Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shedding Skins

After almost (but not quite) ten years in Jackson, WY I left the valley to travel cross country to visit family and friends before leaving the Northern Hemisphere winter for the Southern Hemisphere summer. I am busy preparing in many ways for my trip, getting immunizations, gathering teaching materials, laughing with my Mom, finishing projects that have been waiting for some down time.

I left the valley of the Tetons in full winter beauty and traveled across the varied landscape of the middle of the United States. I feel like I am shedding skins as I get closer to my departure day--shedding the skin of things: packing up boxes in preparation for storage for the next 10 months; the skin of place: the well known and loved places, scenes, smells, and people.

If I was antsy to begin my trip, the long road trip made me even more antsy, as you can imagine, to stretch my legs. Every stop on my drive included a ravenous and joyful stretch and quick run to wake my mind and body back up. This upcoming trip of teaching and living abroad seems like a way to wake up and stretch from my long, and lovely time in Jackson.

I am eager to shed the skin of low light days for the long shadows of summer, even if for just a little while. The skins I am shedding and will continue to shed feel good as I let them go. I am thankful for the rich experiences of Jackson and I feel excited for the upcoming experiences!